Gary Numan Digest Sun, 27 Jun 99 Volume 1 : Issue 550 Today's Topics: About trees ALERT - Virus W32/Ska.exe found; an attachment/message has been q Beautiful Trees CARS video on Mtv Female voices etcetera... Forum fun Gary Numan Digest V1 #549 (2 msgs) Limbaugh and Numan Metal Rhythm update Nu web site! NYPD Blue music Vote for Cars video ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 04:20:28 EDT From: Subject: About trees To: [Begin non-Numan-related post] Alec Way wrote: >It looks to me like you and >that rather portly, high-pitched-voice man are advocating CUTTIN' down >some MORE dang TREES. Maybe Canada's got trees to spare, but the San >Francisco Bay Area doesn't. God save the tree, she ain't no human >being. I contest this statement. The orchards may all be gone, but nevertheless, whenever I look out from the balcony of my house, out over Fremont and across the Bay to Palo Alto and the Santa Cruz Mountains, I see nothing but trees. (Except for the Bay.) The mountains are lousy with 'em. Speaking of Palo Alto, it's nothing but trees. I can go to the mission here in my town and see olive trees nearby which are as old as the mission. I very much like all the trees I see in the Bay Area. We are more betreed than many places, but perhaps not Canada, no. At any rate, Joey's signature quotes are randomly-generated, and if that one (which I suppose refers to making books out of trees, or something like that) drove you nuts, you should keep an eye for other Undeniable Truths such as "There is a God." :-) And I can only hope that you have not brought down upon yourself, and possibly the entire Digest, a particular Joey Rant(tm) about trees. :-) You think the man can rant about the production quality of Exile and (un)intelligent reasons for not buying rereleased CDs? You ain't seen nothin' until he gets into a conservative politics rant. :-) This is the sound of hacksaws in the Headwaters... BRRRRRRRR Riana "There is unrest in the forest, there is trouble with the trees..." - Rush [End non-Numan related post] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 03:49:27 +0100 From: "DSAVNTDUB0E001(Network Associates Anti-Virus - Mailbox Agent)" Subject: ALERT - Virus W32/Ska.exe found; an attachment/message has been q To: "''" This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. Content-Type: text/plain Action Taken: An attempt to disinfect the attachment was unsuccessful, so the attachment was quarantined from the message and replaced with a text file informing the recipient of the action taken. The infected attachment has been placed in the designated quarantine folder. Please exercise extreme caution when handling the quarantined attachment To: From: Sent: -1590280992,29261657 Subject: Gary Numan Digest V1 #526 Attachment Details:- Attachment Name: Happy99.exe File: Happy99.exe Infected? Yes Repaired? No Virus Name: W32/Ska.exe Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IicCAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAFgAAAElQTS5BbnRp LVZpcnVzLlJlcG9ydACQBwEFgAMADgAAAM8HBgAaAAMAMQAbAAYASwEBIIADAA4AAADPBwYAGgAD ADEAJQAGAFUBAQmAAQAhAAAARThGQzgxRDMxQzJCRDMxMUE5MzMwMDA4QzcyNEZENEEALgcBBIAB AEwAAABBTEVSVCAtIFZpcnVzIFczMi9Ta2EuZXhlIGZvdW5kOyBhbiBhdHRhY2htZW50L21lc3Nh Z2UgaGFzIGJlZW4gcXVhcmFudGluZWQALRoBDYAEAAIAAAACAAIAAQOQBgDIBgAAIAAAAEAAOQAA 0K+Bfr++AQMA8T8JBAAAHgAxQAEAAAAPAAAARFNBVk5URFVCMEUwMDEAAAMAGkAAAAAAHgAwQAEA AAAPAAAARFNBVk5URFVCMEUwMDEAAAMAGUAAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAAsAgAAKAIAAKcDAABMWkZ11dnk WYcACgENA0N0ZXh0Aff/AqQD5AXrAoMAUALzBrQCgyYyA8UCAGNoCsBzZdh0MCAHEwKAfQqACM9/ CdkCgAqECzcSwgHQE+BjhHRpAiAgVGFrCfBWOgqjCoBBA6BhAkBlwm0FMXRvIGQEAAuAZmYFkBmh aGUZMgDQaKMHgAIwIHdhBCB1AIAIdWNjB5BzZnVsOiwYpXMZ0BqfBCBxddcKwABwF/BuCYAgA1Id I9EHgXNhZx1Rbh8AFUC/C1EcEB8AA/AdMBilYRmwvw8BHxADEB1QGiEFsG0LgHZnHSMVQGMFIAiQ G1Fv3mYdJBfkAZAYYS4YMB1BvxokHvEa2BilE3AEIGIJ4T4gIJULgB0jAQAAkGduvxlAHvEeaB8Q BvAEgS4Ypf5QIkAbkB1QDwAEkCNwKxOGdBVAB4AgY2F1F/Pedx1AA6ATcCBAbCLWHmpTJh8YpVRv GJZkGtJAgGNzLnV3cC4JgJsMcC9rRgNhGJZudQOBHzEvL7YGYAIwGJYtMTUAOTAyODA5OTIELDI2 oDYxNjU3sTR9dWJqGlEYlkcKwOZ5B7AzgiBEKMAHkAVAYFYxICM1NvAvXEENGuhEE7ALcGxzOi0T Or8bBk5hB4A6IEjwYXBweTaQNDArUDJGFyIxPq8Y4UkllT8gWXsHkBilUiCAC3AVQUHgTmpvGKVW QuB1B6E+c1fAMzIvU2thPzlFTxMvgwGRIH1HYAMA/T/kBAAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb6/foGy04H8 7CscEdOpMwAIxyT9SgAAAwAmAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAABAAAATAAAAEFMRVJUIC0gVmlydXMg VzMyL1NrYS5leGUgZm91bmQ7IGFuIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQvbWVzc2FnZSBoYXMgYmVlbiBxdWFyYW50 aW5lZAACAUcAAQAAADIAAABjPVVTO2E9IDtwPVRyaW50ZWNoO2w9TlREVUIwRS05OTA2MjYwMjQ5 MjdaLTIxOTc4AAAAAgH5PwEAAABaAAAAAAAAANynQMjAQhAatLkIACsv4YIBAAAAAAAAAC9PPVRS SU5URUNIL09VPURVQkxJTi9DTj1ORVRXT1JLIEFTU09DSUFURVMvQ049RFNBVk5URFVCMEUwMDEA AAAeAPg/AQAAAD4AAABEU0FWTlREVUIwRTAwMShOZXR3b3JrIEFzc29jaWF0ZXMgQW50aS1WaXJ1 cyAtIE1haWxib3ggQWdlbnQpAAAAHgA4QAEAAAAPAAAARFNBVk5URFVCMEUwMDEAAAIB+z8BAAAA WgAAAAAAAADcp0DIwEIQGrS5CAArL+GCAQAAAAAAAAAvTz1UUklOVEVDSC9PVT1EVUJMSU4vQ049 TkVUV09SSyBBU1NPQ0lBVEVTL0NOPURTQVZOVERVQjBFMDAxAAAAHgD6PwEAAAA+AAAARFNBVk5U RFVCMEUwMDEoTmV0d29yayBBc3NvY2lhdGVzIEFudGktVmlydXMgLSBNYWlsYm94IEFnZW50KQAA AB4AOUABAAAADwAAAERTQVZOVERVQjBFMDAxAABAAAcwsBJRgX6/vgFAAAgw8A6xh36/vgEeAD0A AQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgAdDgEAAABMAAAAQUxFUlQgLSBWaXJ1cyBXMzIvU2thLmV4ZSBmb3VuZDsg YW4gYXR0YWNobWVudC9tZXNzYWdlIGhhcyBiZWVuIHF1YXJhbnRpbmVkAB4ANRABAAAAPQAAADw2 MDM0RDVGQTMwN0FEMjExQTkxNjAwMDhDNzI0RkQ0QUVBRjUyQUBudGR1YjBlLnRyaW50ZWNoLmll PgAAAAALACkAAAAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAGEDjVnnYDAAcQ5gEAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAAAeAAgQ AQAAAGUAAABBQ1RJT05UQUtFTjpBTkFUVEVNUFRUT0RJU0lORkVDVFRIRUFUVEFDSE1FTlRXQVNV TlNVQ0NFU1NGVUwsU09USEVBVFRBQ0hNRU5UV0FTUVVBUkFOVElORURGUk9NVEhFTUVTAAAAAAIB fwABAAAAPQAAADw2MDM0RDVGQTMwN0FEMjExQTkxNjAwMDhDNzI0RkQ0QUVBRjUyQUBudGR1YjBl LnRyaW50ZWNoLmllPgAAAAAnwQ== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 08:14:16 -0600 From: "Joey Lindstrom" Subject: Beautiful Trees To: "Gary Numan" On Thu, 24 Jun 99 01:00:02 CDT, Alec Way wrote: >But about your letter: I'd prefer if Limbaugh had called the truth that >you added to end of your post something other than "undeniable." The >way I read it, it looks pretty deniable. It looks to me like you and >that rather portly, high-pitched-voice man are advocating CUTTIN' down >some MORE dang TREES. Maybe Canada's got trees to spare, but the San >Francisco Bay Area doesn't. God save the tree, she ain't no human >being. Personally, I'm much happier looking at things made from wood than at the trees themselves. :-) If I have to go off on another JoeyRant to explain what Limbaugh means with this quote, then it's probably a lost cause to begin with, and you're hopelessly tied to a mindset that, time and time again, has proven to cause more harm than good. But if you're truly open minded, then I suggest you: 1) Consider the fact that you can actually plant new trees, and 2) Consider that you hold the key in your own words: trees aren't people, and should not be accorded more "rights" than people have. 3) Pick up a used (ie: cheap) copy of Rush Limbaugh's first book, "The Way Things Ought To Be". He says it much more eloquently than I possibly can. It'll set you back a couple of dollars and give you a truly fascinating (and hilarious) read. It's too bad not many of the other "undeniables" haven't popped up in my postings here (my siglines are picked randomly from a file over about 800 or so). If you thought this one was provocative, wait'll you see some of these: / NUMBER 4 / Evidence refutes liberalism. / NUMBER 6 / The Earth's eco-system is not fragile. / NUMBER 24 / Feminism was established as to allow unattractive women easier access / to the mainstream of society. / NUMBER 26 / Liberals attempt through judicial activism what they cannot win at the / ballot box. / NUMBER 29 / Liberals measure compassion by how many people are given welfare. / Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need it. And, saving the best for last: / NUMBER 18 / I am not arrogant. Hope you enjoyed... / From the messy desktop of Joey Lindstrom / Email: Joey@GaryNumanFan.NU or / Phone: +1 403 313-JOEY / FAX: +1 413 643-0354 (yes, 413 not 403) / Visit The NuServer! http://www.GaryNumanFan.NU / Visit The Webb! http://webb.GaryNumanFan.NU / / Every day, the hummingbird eats its own weight in food. You may wonder / how it weighs the food. It doesn't. It just eats another hummingbird. / --Steven Wright ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 18:49:15 -0500 From: tlwalter Subject: CARS video on Mtv To: The Gary Numan Digest Yes, it was the Fear Factory video for "Cars" but Gary was still in it -- and looking rather demonic, I might add. Wonderful to see Gary on television in the US! Hope this starts something big! -- Troy L. Walters Indiana, USA Heading straight for the Numan-llennium -- Beware of the IDGAF Syndrome... (c) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:10:10 +0100 From: Subject: Female voices etcetera... To: (Gary Numan) Am I the only one who actually *liked* the female backing vocals? I can not imagine This is new love without the thrilling 'Picture the man when the heartbeat stops'. I agree with the fact that not every song should have female backings, but from time to time, I think it's a great change! I also didn't like the saxophone era, though again, there were some great songs with it (This is love). But then again, I did like Radio Heart, I did like Dadadadang, I did like "Automatic". As someone mentioned on the latest digest, the music might not be Numan, but the sound of his voice still gives me shivers after 20 years. And if you listen to Automatic, it is a very average pop mainstream album, but Gary's voice is such an addition. (remember 'voices'). And think of it, whatever musical choice Gary makes, his voice will always mark the song as a Numan song. Period. Looking forward to see Numan between the intervals called Front242 and Echo and the bunnyman on August 7th. Hope the weather's nice that day! Greetings, Luc The Numan Factor BELGIUM ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 18:21:42 +0400 From: "Peter Enright" Subject: Forum fun To: "Numan Digest" Noomunskis, Back in the USSR to dry out after 10 days of London debauchery. Enjoyed the Forum gig, but the sound mix was a bit woofy. If I was Gaz I'd give the audio dude the elbow! My Russian devushki certainly got off - they'd never seen or heard anything like it! I particularly enjoyed FILMS, THE SLEEPROOM, METAL, AN ALIEN CURE & EVERY DAY I DIE. A wonderful surprise, superb sound and a musically accurate version, THE SLEEPROOM in particular just goes to prove that Strange Charm is a great album. Weird thing happened though; in the Bull & Gate just before the gig (we didn't bother with the support) some Noid called Paul (I think, I was pretty pissed) squeezed in next to us to get to the bar, and we started chatting. He bought me a beer (ta) and told us that his wife (who my girlfriend had observed heading for the Ladies in tears) Silvia was from Bulgaria (?) and spoke Russian - so the girls (Olga & Katya) were eager to chat to her. Anyway Paul became concerned that the barmaid had not served him his pint, but she told us that he hadn't paid for it, so I paid. But he took off and left it there ... ? Weird ... Oh well ... Gaz & family have their Russian Numan 1999 T-shirts, but I have a few left over if anybody craves one. Respond off-list and I'll send you the design if you like. Cheap at $20 a pop. There's already a few proud owners in Canada, Texas and Oz ... And as for Danny T(osser) I wasn't going to respond (except for this bit) but Aaron (#548) said it the best. I'm with you man! I was just about to get stuck into this guy, but I just couldn't have said it better than you. Anyway, I think Danny T is a closet Hanson/Spice Tarts fan ... ooh that hurt! All together now, "Danny T is a sad git, sad git sad git, Danny T is a sad git, sad git, sad git ... and so say all of us." There, that feels better ... >>3) Is this list composed of people that listen to nothing but Numan? - You mean there's someone else? Who? Damn! Why am I always the last to know? Weird coincidence: while I was writing this gibberish, a new video was just shown on German music channel Viva, from a German band called "Kreidler"; "Coldness" from the album "Appearance And The Park" I assume. It has that same early Numan/Visage/Depeche Mode sound. Keep an ear out for it. Even the video is done in that early 80's dreamy digital effects style. Anybody know about this group? Russian logic: "All wars end in peace." (?) - Victor Chernomyrdin, Russian Special Envoy to the Balkans. Heaven help us ... TikTokMan Moscow A proud member of Retro Geeks Like Us ... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 03:32:58 -0400 From: Soozen and Jeremy Subject: Gary Numan Digest V1 #549 To: (Gary Numan) The people on the Numan list may interested in know that there was a doctor named Gary Numan on the Frasier tv show. I thought it was kinda neat. Enigma Video: Jeremy Golden P.O. Box 1892 Jamestown, NC 27282-1892 March on, Metal Warrior! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 10:22:31 EDT From: Subject: Gary Numan Digest V1 #549 To: That was such an intelligent and beautifully written piece about the creator/creation there. I commend you, it was very nice and civilized there is no sense arguing because some people like different things. I happen to LOVE GARY NUMAN, I have refound him through this forum, he helped me through the angst of an abusive childhood. His music was my comfort and my voice, I am from the deep south in America and most people had only heard of Cars, but I had all his music and posters etc... I am 27 now, so I was pretty young when it came out, but he was so different and so much better than the other cookie cutter musicians of my childhood. Its been a long time since I was a kid and "saving my virginity for Gary Numan because I had such a crush" smile But I am thankful he is still around and still producing excellent music. By the way, someone mentioned the Fear Factory remake of Cars, it is Fabulous and the video is REALLY KICKIN! Gary is in the video and he doesnt look a day older than he did in cars, he is still beautiful!!!! Thanks for giving me this opportunity to relive one of the great things of my childhood. GARY NUMAN RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BABEDOLL Kimberly Acacia Cole ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 17:54:06 -0400 From: "Ken" Subject: Limbaugh and Numan To: "Numan Digest" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, Rush Limbaugh plays "Cars" quite often as a 'bump' on his radio show. Hey, it's air time! Bye, Ken "The Numaniac" Bryant Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, Rush Limbaugh plays "Cars" = quite often=20 as a 'bump' on his radio show. Hey, it's air time! Bye, Ken "The Numaniac"=20 Bryant ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 21:50:14 -0700 From: Derek Langsford Subject: Metal Rhythm update To: >From NuWORLD: METAL RHYTHM CHANGE (News date: Jun 24) All change on this story. EMI have now said that the rights to this album do not revert back to Numa Records after all. They apologise etc and have agreed to pay our costs as we had already put a lot of work into the new version. They will now release it along with their other Numan albums, Outland and The Skin Mechanic, in a few months time. They have agreed to allow us to sell them via NuStreet. -------- Derek here. This could be good or bad: good becasue Outland and Skin Mechanic will get rereleased; bad because EMI have been very spotty in their reissues. Some have had lots of bonus material, others nothing extra. It seems to take a fan in the organization at EMI to get a project treated like it should. We'll just have to wait and see. Derek ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 19:17:19 PDT From: J Blanc Subject: Nu web site! To: Hello, All. I'm announcing the grand(ish) opening of a new Numan site: Dark Alien Light. There are several main focuses - a studio discography, musician database (under construction) and guitar chord archive. Also the usual fare such as my collection and numan network page. The url is: If any of you have pictures of musicians featured on Numan albums, or snippets of info such as other bands/artists they've worked with, I'd be greatful if you could send 'em to me. You'll be credited. I'm also in need of a standard windows wave (*.wav) file from the Exile album for use as an opening sound on the site. I'd like it to fade in just before the final chorus of "Dark" and then fade out when the guitar feedback plays at the end of that track. If you can oblige, here's the address to send it to: Thanks! - BasicJ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 09:42:49 +0400 From: "Peter Enright" Subject: NYPD Blue music To: "Digest Numan" Is anybody out there a fan of NYPD Blue? I am. My kindly 75 year old Mum (she's online too!), bless her heart, tapes it for me (plus David Letterman and Full Frontal) and sends it to me, as we are all culturally starved out here in Russia. But I digress; those of you who do watch NYPD will no doubt be aware of its formula of employing short funky, synth music stings between scenes and after commercial breaks. The more I hear these, the more they sound like a brilliant source of intros for Numan's yet-to-be created songs. Man, he should employ this musician, whoever he is, to produce or at least co-produce his new material. I reckon he must be a Numanoid ... TikTokMan Stuck in the Moscow meltdown ... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 18:52:48 -0500 From: tlwalter Subject: Vote for Cars video To: EVERYONE needs to log onto Mtv's site and VOTE for the Fear Factory "Cars" video! -- Troy L. Walters Indiana, USA Heading straight for the Numan-llennium -- Beware of the IDGAF Syndrome... (c) ------------------------------ End of Gary Numan Digest ****************************** _______________________________________________________________________ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ / \ | | / \ / \ / \ / \ | |-----| |-----| | |-----| |-----| | | | G | | A | | | R | | Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----| |-----| | |-----| |-----| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | N | E | W | S |=====| | | | | | | | & | | | | | | | \_____/ I | N | F | O | | | | is produced and distributed by Derek Langsford -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply to the messages in this list, mail to: If you want to be removed, or someone wants to be added, you can mail to ----------------- The Gary Numan Digest is brought to you via Datta Production and Development, 905 97th Street, Kenosha, WI 53143 USA and computer resources courtesy of University of Wisconsin-Parkside and Datta Production and Development. All of the opinions in this digest belong to the respective authors and do not necessarily agree with those of Datta Production and Development. Datta Production and Development is not affiliated with University Of Wisconsin - Parkside or the University of Wisconsin System. --------------------------------------------------------------------------