--------------------------------------------------------------------- T H E G A R Y N U M A N D I G E S T (by subscription only - to unsubscribe, see bottom of this message) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (#2002-98) - Topics This Issue: 1) Hooray! 2) darkly wondering ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 21:57:06 +0100 From: "Vickers" Subject: Hooray! It is excellent that Gary is/was in the Top 30. It will probably disappear again immediately because of the Limited Edition idea. Whether we like it or not, these people know what they are doing. They figured they could sell 5,000, and probably have. Record companies have to do anything to hype their record into the charts by getting all the fans to buy it in the first week. If they get enough re- orders from shops pestered by customers they will print more. In other words, you move heaven and earth to get the kite into the sky, then see if it looks like staying up there for a while. Then the next single will build on this one..... Paddy Vickers ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 09:46:38 -0500 From: "Val & Ben Iglar-Mobley" Subject: darkly wondering > Dark Wonders? Terrible artwork, good selections, > a great "car" cd. Recommended but not essential. > > Joey's selection and programme is quite interesting... It is. I have this one and three other compilations-- 'Other Side,' 'Here Am I,' and 'Archive.' I'm not an insane completist; those other three I picked up because they offered music I didn't otherwise have. 'Dark Wonders' is the only Gary comp I've bought that didn't promise any new music for me, the only one I nabbed just for itself. It's also the only comp I'll listen to straight up, no programming, just to hear the songs in the order Joey sequenced them. First off, it's lovely that the Numa era music is on the first disc while the industrial music is on the second-- much more euphonic that those other hodge-podge mish-mash discs. It opens brilliantly with "Call Out The Dogs," and the songs build on each other rather than bounce off each other as they do on others. The second disc picks up again with "Rip;" rather than starting over from nothing it sounds like it's continuing on after a pause (as in we've changed the disc in the player). And there again the songs build off each other wonderfully. And then it all ends cataclysmically. Records should have a flow from song to song; they should have a beginning, middle, and end. This one does. Plus, hey, one of us fans got to have one of his Gary mix tapes pressed as a commercial comp release! How cool is that? Pretty dang cool. Cool enough that I sent my booklet to him to have it autographed. Thanks, Joey. Ben ------------------------------------------- Introducing NetZero Long Distance Unlimited Long Distance only $29.95/ month! Sign Up Today! www.netzerolongdistance.com ------------------------------ End digest@garynuman.info Digest [07/14/2002 18:01] --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- T H E G A R Y N U M A N D I G E S T is produced, moderated, and distributed by Derek Langsford, Dave Datta, and Joey Lindstrom dlangs@sunstroke.sdsu.edu, davdat@allmusic.com, Joey@GaryNuman.Info Back Issues: http://digest.garynuman.info ------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply to the messages in this list, email: digest@garynuman.info If you want to be removed, or someone wants to be added, email: listserv@GaryNuman.info and include this line as the first line of your message body: SUBSCRIBE digest@garynuman.info (email address) or UNSUBSCRIBE digest@garynuman.info (email address) (email address is optional but useful if you have multiple addresses) If you want to switch between receiving Digests or individual posts, again send to listserv@GaryNuman.Info and include either of these in your message body: NORMAL digest@garynuman.info or DIGEST digest@garynuman.info ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note: this mailing list is configured to automatically unsubscribe you if mail to your mailbox goes undeliverable for any reason. If you suddenly stop receiving this list, you should assume you've been automatically unsubscribed and should then manually resubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Gary Numan Digest is produced with the facilities of the Gary Numan Info Server and The Interocitor. All of the opinions in this digest belong to the respective authors and do not necessarily agree with those of the Digest Producers. This digest is published in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is governed by all applicable Canadian laws. --------------------------------------------------------------------------